Friday, June 26, 2009

What to do... (Does this count as a blog entry?)

Man, I gotta blog! (Now isn't this exciting since I have only been doing this for less than a couple of weeks- I think.) Anyway, as I am researching blogs for the purpose of completing the blogging assignment, I have come to realize I am a mess in my head (ADD as previously mentioned- I suppose). Well, I don't know what I want to do with my life, or perhaps I should say there are too many things grabbing for my attention. The good thing is that I am in a job that I love because I get to build relationships with students (one-on-one, almost all day long), and I feel like I am making a difference for them. I tutor them as diligently as they want to be tutored; I teach college success strategies; I visit with students in the hallways; I advise them in terms of academic classes to take... (Anyway you get the point.) Now back to the point... I don't see myself doing this for very long.(It's too easy, and I am not sure I have freedom to grow; perhaps, however, this is only in my mind.) But I get to work on my master's degree w/o stressing out too much because of job conflicts. But what next? I have taught high school biology for 18 years; I've worked at a community college in my current position for three years; I'm about to complete my master's degree. What next? I am considering, just considering, continuing on with post graduate studies. (After all, I've been taking classes ever since I started in the first grade. Why should I stop now?) Now how does all of this relate to the assignment? Well, all this time spent looking for blogs to reflect on has dis-settled (is that a word?) me. I can't seem to get a focus. I had a difficult time settling on a blog to reflect on, much less two blogs. Anyway, I have seen and read some really cool things since I started this assignment. It has caused me, once again, to ask myself questions: Who am I? What do I want to do with my life? What are my priorities? I know I am an educator; this I am passionate about. But what do I educate people about: biology, learning, self-development, spiritual growth, environmental stewardship??? I've read so many blogs about all of these that I am inspired and discontent at the same time. (This seems to be the story of my life.) But I am 45 years old-almost. Is this a mid-life crises? Should I be scared? Or am I taking this blogging assignment to seriously? And that is another issue with me: I take every graduate course I take as if it is my life. I think about it a lot; I imagine ways of incorporating it into my life and the lives of those around me; I want to talk about it with others. And I don't even care if I get an A or not, I just want to learn something. I love to learn, and I have a great work ethic; I just don't know how to balance the two with the rest of my life. O.K. I don't know if I should be apologizing or not because I don't know about blogging etiquette, but I am sorry for those of you on my ITED team who have to read my ramblings. Hopefully, some of you will have ramblings too, and I can pay penitence by reading through yours. :-)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Entry #1 Educational Blogs
“Teaching College Science: Blogs and Beyond,” is a great blog to read if you are a high school or college level science teacher. The author, Brian FCD (an appellate), is currently a biology student intending to be a science teacher. Because I am a secondary level science teacher, I am interested in learning to use blogs as a way to increase the interest level of my students, as a way to get them to spend a few minutes reflecting on their learning, and as a way to get the quiet students to become more involved. From reading this post, I learned there are issues regarding blogging (remember I have never blogged until this class). Some concerns that need to be addressed include the following: privacy is an issue; blogging takes time; student motivation may be a big hindrance to the process, and what should a teacher do with the blog after the course is over. (Hmmmm, that sounds like the same issues involved with any project –like a group project involving a poster for example, or a science fair project…). I certainly enjoyed reading the blog.
The blogspot is Nucleus Learning, and one can post anything related to learning. The website promotes educational games and products and services. I’m still trying to figure out if it is a commercial or an individual site or maybe both, most likely the latter.
The blog of interest is titled “Tutoring is like a GPS.” The author, Bogusia Gierus, and the audience is anyone interested in helping students make better grades. Probably, however, the audience is primarily parents. Being that I currently am serving as a professional tutor in the nationally known TriO program, Student Support Services, I was drawn to the blog because I have an interest in being a better tutor; I too want my students to benefit from my services -as shown by their improved grades. I am a veteran teacher, yet there is always so much room for improvement. As did the author, I too tend to correct students’ careless mistakes as they make them. I mean, what is the big deal, if a student is doing a complex college algebra problem correctly, why should I wait until they get to the end to fix a silly error? After all, we don’t have that much time together. Well, my new response… because they tend to continue making such mistakes on tests, and I won’t be there to help them. It seems that by correcting their mistakes early, the pain is not great enough for them to become diligent in their writing down the problem correctly, or distributing the negative sign, or making sure they don’t lose a negative and etc. Perhaps, as a result of my reading this blog, some of my students will improve their grades simply because they learn a little more about paying closer attention to detail (something I am not to good at myself).
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the blog; and even better, I gained some practical insights that will improve my tutoring.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Living with ADD

My mind works so problematicly for me sometimes. Before I left work Thursday, I printed off the ITED 511 assignment. Even after looking at it twice, I couldn't believe I had only until Sunday to complete the blogging assignment. None-the-less, due to constant out of town company (including 5 children under the age of six) since even before I got home from work Thursday, I am just now getting to my computer. Well, low and behold, the assignment is due July 19th. Why couldn't I have read this on Thursday (rather than reading it inproperly)? I sure would have enjoyed my company more. Anyway, my point is that I incorrectly read the due date. I am an educated 44 year old teacher, mind you! I think when I saw the 19th, I was in such shock that I missed the message. My mind even converted the date I saw to the 21st rather than the 19th, thus giving me an additional two days to complete the assignment- I guess my brain knew it would be impossible for me to do it otherwise. Up until one hour ago, I was planning to spend the night up here on my computer working until the assignment was finished. I am soooo glad I get to go to bed. And I am so glad my assignment is not late.

I know I have ADD. And I know my brain seems as if it short circuits sometime. How many students have I given zeros to for not turning in their assignments at the proper time? How many of them have let life get in their way of an assignment (as I did with my family and out of town guests) , and instead of my listening to them, I very well probably said, "no, the rules are the rules." My heart is sad.

Scenarios, similar to the above story, happen to me a lot. And I know they happen to students too. Coping with ADD is a life long process.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My First Blog...

This is my absolutely first time ever to blog, or for that matter to even read a blog online. Yea, I did it!!!